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Wholesale Hair Vendors: What You Should Know!

Vendeurs de cheveux en gros : ce que vous devez savoir !

Tout le monde recherche les meilleurs vendeurs de cheveux en gros en Chine, en Inde, à Atlanta et dans le monde.

Et toi? Savez-vous comment trouver un grossiste ?

- Si vous avez des questions sur la vente en gros ou sur les cheveux, laissez-les simplement dans les commentaires ci-dessous !

Avoir un bon stock d’extensions de cheveux humains sera un élément crucial de votre activité capillaire. Dans cet article, nous allons passer en revue ce que les gens recherchent actuellement, ce que vous devriez rechercher et éventuellement comment la vente en gros de marques privées peut vous aider.

L'objectif de Private Label Wholesale était de profiter des avantages de travailler avec un fournisseur étranger et de le combiner avec un fournisseur basé aux États-Unis pour créer une solution gagnante d'approvisionnement en cheveux.

Décomposons cela étape par étape afin que vous puissiez prendre vos propres décisions en matière de fournisseur.

  1. Que recherchent les gens chez un vendeur de cheveux en gros ?
  2. Quels types de cheveux humains sont vendus par les vendeurs de cheveux ?
  3. Les cheveux bruts en valent-ils la peine ?
  4. Pourquoi les cheveux humains, les cheveux vierges et les cheveux Remy sont-ils si populaires ?
  5. Comment trouver un vendeur de cheveux en gros ?
  6. Comment puis-je envoyer des paiements pour acheter des cheveux en gros ?
  7. Dois-je commander des échantillons de cheveux ?
  8. Pourquoi devrais-je considérer la vente en gros de marques privées comme fournisseur de cheveux ?

vente en gros paquets

(Lots bruts de 50 pouces que nous conservons au bureau des extensions de marque privée)

Que recherchent les gens chez un vendeur de cheveux en gros ?

Chaque jour, les gens sont à la recherche de deux types de vendeurs de cheveux.

Voici les 5 types de cheveux les plus populaires que les gens recherchent :

  • Vendeurs en gros de cheveux vierges
  • Vendeurs en gros de poils de vison
  • Vendeurs en gros de cheveux brésiliens
  • Vendeurs de cheveux humains en gros
  • Vendeurs en gros de cheveux bruts

Les "poils de vison" me tuent toujours, mais nous pourrons en parler plus tard dans l'article.

Rechercher des « cheveux humains », des « cheveux vierges » et des « cheveux bruts » est plus logique car c'est ce que vous devriez vouloir vendre.

D’autres recherchent des vendeurs en gros dans une zone particulière.

Voici les 5 principales catégories que les entrepreneurs en coiffure recherchent :

  • Vendeurs de cheveux en gros en Inde
  • Vendeurs de cheveux en gros à Atlanta
  • Vendeurs en gros de cheveux vierges en Chine
  • Vendeurs de cheveux en gros à proximité
  • Vendeurs de cheveux en gros aux États-Unis

Vous constaterez que de nombreuses personnes recherchent des vendeurs de cheveux à l'étranger, mais Atlanta est l'une des Mecques du tissage de cheveux, elle figure donc évidemment sur la liste.

Vendeur de cheveux Guangzhou

(C'est une photo que j'ai prise lors d'une visite chez les vendeurs de cheveux à Guangzhou, en Chine)

Quels types de cheveux humains sont vendus par les vendeurs de cheveux ?

Revenons à la première catégorie qui décrit les types de cheveux en gros que les gens recherchent.

Pour la plupart, vous trouverez deux types de cheveux humains vendus sur le marché de gros. Au sein de ces deux types de cheveux, ils seront ensuite ventilés en fonction de la qualité globale et du prix.

Jetons un coup d'œil à la composition de ces deux types de cheveux et à certains des facteurs de coût qui y sont associés.

Vente en gros Cheveux Bruts

  • Origine des cheveux bruts
  • Le rapport des mèches courtes dans les faisceaux de cheveux bruts/fermetures/frontaux
  • Type de construction de trame

Cheveux Humains en gros

  • Origine des cheveux humains
  • Machine Remy ou autres types de transformation
  • Cheveux colorés
  • Le rapport des brins courts (simple tiré/double tiré)

Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des bases lorsque l'on parle à un fabricant de la qualité des cheveux .

Vente en gros faisceaux de cheveux

(Avoir une bonne variété d’options de motifs de boucles est toujours une victoire !)

Lorsque vous comprenez mieux ces termes, vous pouvez mieux identifier le niveau de qualité réel des cheveux ; vous devez soutenir votre clientèle. Tout le monde dit vouloir des cheveux bruts jusqu'à ce qu'il doive sortir son portefeuille et payer pour cela. Même si ce sera toujours la meilleure qualité.

Les cheveux bruts les plus vendus sur le marché proviennent de :

  1. Inde (probablement 80 %)
  2. Chine
  3. Viêt Nam
  4. Birmanie/Myanmar
  5. Mongolie
  6. Philippines

J'ai répertorié les sources de cheveux bruts ci-dessus, du plus grand volume au moins volumineux, selon mes estimations.

Selon les pays, les cheveux seront un peu différents.

carte des vendeurs de cheveux populaires

(Carte illustrant certains des endroits les plus populaires où les gens recherchent des vendeurs de cheveux)

Les cheveux bruts en valent-ils la peine ?

Les extensions de cheveux bruts, les perruques, les fermetures et les frontaux sont les produits de la plus haute qualité disponibles sur le marché. Mais si vous envisagez de vendre des cheveux non traités, assurez-vous de comprendre que les produits seront beaucoup plus chers que la vente des « paquets normaux » que tout le monde achète actuellement.

Les cheveux bruts ne représentent qu'environ 5 % des ventes de cheveux sur les ventes en gros de marques privées, les extensions de marques privées, les bundles Dropship et Dropship Beauty, qui approvisionnent plus de 10 000 coiffeurs, entrepreneurs capillaires et propriétaires d'entreprise.

Je ne dis pas qu'il ne faut pas vendre de cheveux bruts, comprenez simplement que c'est un marché exceptionnel pour ceux-ci et généralement pour les clients qui n'hésitent pas à dépenser beaucoup d'argent !

Les cheveux bruts en valent-ils la peine ?

Cela dépend de ce que vous essayez d’accomplir avec vos objectifs capillaires.

Si vous cherchez à colorer des mèches de cheveux bruts 1b en blond 613 ou 60 platine, il est fortement suggéré d'avoir des cheveux bruts pour de meilleurs résultats.

Vous souhaitez réinstaller vos bundles plusieurs fois ou durer quelques années ?

Les cheveux crus sont votre choix.

Vous voulez faire un tissage rapide ? Changez votre couture tous les mois et vous ne voulez pas vous soucier des cheveux ?

Utilisez les cheveux humains standard. C’est ce que font la PLUPART des gens, mais pas tous.

vente en gros perruques

(Perruques en gros avec une touche de couleur)

Quels sont quelques conseils sur les cheveux bruts pour mon entreprise de coiffure ?

Je souhaite passer rapidement en revue quelques conseils sur les cheveux bruts afin que vous ayez des connaissances supplémentaires sur ces produits et sur ce qu'il faut rechercher.

Par exemple, les cheveux bruts ondulés et bouclés provenant d'Inde sont parmi les plus vendus sur le marché car il s'agit de l'état naturel du cheveu.

Si vous obtenez des cheveux bruts provenant de Chine, ils devront être bouclés à la vapeur. Ce n'est pas une mauvaise chose, mais ce n'est tout simplement pas aussi bon que la vraie affaire.

*Attention – L’approvisionnement en cheveux ondulés et bouclés en provenance d’Inde est devenu beaucoup plus difficile à trouver. De nombreux vendeurs de cheveux indiens vaporisent désormais leurs cheveux pour obtenir des motifs ondulés et bouclés et les vendent comme étant 100 % non traités.

La tendance est d'avoir des cheveux doux et soyeux, mais c'est une préférence personnelle quant à la façon dont vous souhaitez que les extensions correspondent à vos cheveux naturels.

Nos évaluations préférées des cours de cheveux bruts sont les suivantes :

Mon entreprise de coiffure doit-elle vendre des cheveux bruts ?

Avoir une option de cheveux bruts pour votre entreprise de coiffure est toujours une bonne idée. Le dropshipping de cheveux bruts est une excellente option car le coût de détention des stocks peut être très élevé pour une entreprise individuelle à moins qu'elle n'ait un volume de ventes élevé.

Vente en gros Cheveux Bruts

(Beaux faisceaux de cheveux vietnamiens crus)

Pourquoi les cheveux humains, les cheveux vierges et les cheveux Remy sont-ils si populaires ?

Voyez-vous que j’ai utilisé beaucoup de termes dans la question ci-dessus ? La plupart du temps, ces termes sont utilisés pour décrire la même chose ou une variante d’un produit capillaire.

Beaucoup de choses ont changé au fil des ans en ce qui concerne la fabrication et la production de tissages de cheveux humains et de perruques.

Vous souvenez-vous de l'époque où les cheveux traités sentaient les chips de maïs ?

C’était principalement avant 2015, lorsque l’odeur des cheveux constituait un énorme problème.

Aujourd’hui, la façon dont les cheveux sont traités est différente. Aujourd’hui, un procédé appelé Machine-Remy est utilisé pour aligner les cuticules des cheveux.

Auparavant, les fabricants donnaient aux cheveux un bain acide qui dépouillait les mèches de leurs cuticules. Cela réduirait les risques d'emmêlement une fois le tissage ou la perruque installé, mais détruirait l'intégrité des cheveux et leur donnerait également une mauvaise odeur.

Aujourd’hui, les cheveux sont trempés dans un après-shampooing pour adoucir les mèches, puis une machine est utilisée pour réaligner la cuticule du cheveu afin qu’elle soit toutes orientée dans la même direction.

Cela a vraiment changé la donne pour les vendeurs de cheveux qui proposent un produit de qualité à un prix aussi bas. Désormais, le coût d’un bundle ou d’une perruque en cheveux humains de bonne qualité peut être très abordable.

Une femme peut désormais changer de cheveux presque chaque semaine sans se ruiner. Avoir une sélection de perruques en cheveux humains dans son placard devient la norme. Du début des années 2000 au début des années 2010, les femmes dépensaient entre 100 et 200 dollars en lots et 2 500 dollars pour une perruque. Or, c’est un phénomène rare.

Comment les choses ont-elles changé dans l’industrie capillaire ?

En tant que client grossiste, vous pouvez désormais vous procurer de magnifiques perruques bob faites de cheveux humains pour moins de 60 dollars ! La plupart de nos clients les vendent entre 125 $ et 250 $ sans personnalisation. C’est bien moins cher que le prix de vente des perruques d’il y a plus de dix ans.

Maintenant que nous avons passé en revue les bases de la qualité des cheveux pour les extensions et les perruques, parlons davantage des fournisseurs.

Comment trouver un vendeur de cheveux en gros ?

Il existe des milliers de fournisseurs en gros dans le monde !

Voici les 5 meilleures façons de trouver un vendeur de cheveux en gros :

  1. Google – Recherchez et c'est parti.
  2. Alibaba – Croisez les doigts.
  3. Listes de fournisseurs de cheveux – Une compilation de recherches Google et Alibaba.
  4. Références – Bien que de nombreux propriétaires d’entreprises de coiffure n’aiment pas partager les informations sur leurs fournisseurs.
  5. Médias sociaux – Une fois que vous serez dans l’industrie, vous serez bombardé par des vendeurs sur Instagram, Facebook et WhatsApp.

Vous allez devoir découvrir ce qui vous convient le mieux pour trouver le vendeur de cheveux idéal.

réunions de vendeurs de cheveux

(Les rencontres avec les vendeurs de cheveux impliquent souvent du thé chaud, même par temps très chaud)

La plupart de nos clients grossistes de cheveux pour la vente en gros de marques privées nous ont trouvés via notre groupe Facebook Hair Business ou l'un de nos sites Web sœurs. Nous aidons nos clients à démarrer et à approvisionner leurs entreprises de coiffure depuis 2014, c'est pourquoi nous apparaissons également généralement dans Google lorsque nous cherchons à démarrer une entreprise de coiffure.

Vous devez faire vos recherches pour vous assurer que vous travaillez avec une entreprise capillaire et un représentant commercial réputé.

Pourquoi je bloque tous les vendeurs de cheveux chinois sur les réseaux sociaux lorsqu'ils me contactent

Cela devient frustrant !

Avez-vous reçu un message sur Instagram pour un vendeur de cheveux chinois ?

Tous vos abonnés l’ont probablement fait aussi ! Nous ne recommandons pas les fournisseurs utilisant ce type de tactiques de vente.

C'est exact; il existe d’énormes équipes de vendeurs qui s’adresseront directement à vous ou à votre entreprise de coiffure. Je comprends que ce ne sont que des ventes. Le gros problème pour vous est qu’ils vont également envoyer un message à chacun de vos abonnés.

Je me suis personnellement rendu dans ces bureaux de vente en Chine. J'ai vu des dizaines de femmes utiliser un VPN sur leur téléphone portable (il modifie l'emplacement de votre adresse IP pour que vous puissiez être sur les réseaux sociaux en Chine car ce n'est pas autorisé) pour pouvoir contacter des personnes aux États-Unis.

Messages des vendeurs de cheveux

(Méfiez-vous de ces entreprises qui s’adresseront également à tous vos abonnés !)

De nombreux nouveaux vendeurs en Chine feront tout leur possible pour conclure une vente. Cela inclut de contacter directement vos clients.

Chaque fois qu'un de ces vendeurs suit l'une de nos pages Instagram professionnelles, nous le bloquons immédiatement afin qu'il puisse trouver et contacter nos clients.

Je vous conseille de faire de même !

Comment puis-je envoyer des paiements pour acheter des cheveux en gros ?

Différents fournisseurs accepteront différents types de paiements. Le plus important est d’être en sécurité à 100 % avec votre argent, car il est facile de se faire arnaquer par une entreprise étrangère.

Ils savent que vous ne montez pas à bord d’un vol vers la Chine pour les retrouver, et même si vous preniez ce vol, les chances d’attraper quelqu’un seraient très minces.

Les 5 méthodes de paiement les plus courantes acceptées par les grossistes :

  • Virement bancaire
  • Western union
  • Pay Pal
  • Alipay
  • Carte de crédit

Vous n’avez vraiment AUCUNE protection lors de l’envoi de paiements par virement bancaire et Western Union. Si vous envoyez les fonds et qu’ils n’envoient pas les cheveux, vous n’avez pratiquement pas de chance.

Payer en toute sécurité via PayPal, Alipay ou carte de crédit est une bonne idée, mais certains fournisseurs vous factureront des frais supplémentaires compris entre 3 % et 5 % pour ce faire.

Vous achetez pour 2 000 $ de cheveux en gros et devez payer des frais de 5 % ? Cela vous coûterait 100 $ et peut s'additionner. Ces frais sont également calculés sur les frais de port.

Envoyer des paiements via des méthodes plus sûres peut être formidable, mais vous payez également pour cette sécurité.

Quels paiements prend en charge la vente en gros de marques privées et quel est le montant des frais supplémentaires ?

Nous acceptons les paiements PayPal et par carte de crédit SANS FRAIS SUPPLÉMENTAIRES car nous avons négocié un taux si bas avec nos processeurs. C'est l'un des avantages d'être un fournisseur hybride USA/CHINE.

modèle de cheveux portant un carré blond

(Ce n'est PAS comment envoyer de l'argent en Chine. C'est juste une superbe photo d'une marque privée, Photoshoot !)

Dois-je commander des échantillons de cheveux ?

Oui, c'est toujours une bonne idée de commander quelques échantillons de cheveux avant de faire un achat plus important.

Notre kit d’échantillons est apprécié des clients !

kit d'échantillons de cheveux

Cela vous donnera une meilleure idée si vous souhaitez apprécier le style et la qualité exacts des cheveux proposés à un prix. N'oubliez pas que c'est toujours à ce prix-là.

Comme mentionné ci-dessus, il existe de nombreux facteurs différents dans le prix et la qualité des cheveux. Vous ne réaliseriez pas certains sans être un expert.

Les opinions sur les cheveux varient toujours. Je peux honnêtement dire que de nombreux clients Dropshipping nous ont dit qu'ils avaient commandé des cheveux auprès de Private Label Extensions. Je n'ai pas aimé ça. Ensuite, j'ai commandé auprès de notre Dropshipper et j'ai adoré les cheveux.

C'est 100% les mêmes cheveux ! À chaque fois. Différentes personnes auront des émotions et des sentiments mitigés à propos d’un produit.

Pourquoi devrais-je considérer la vente en gros de marques privées comme fournisseur de cheveux ?

Private Label Wholesale est un fournisseur de cheveux unique qui exploite les relations avec les fabricants en Chine et les fusionne avec la technologie et le service aux États-Unis.

Certains des principaux avantages du commerce de gros sont :

  • Passez facilement des commandes en gros en ligne en toute sécurité.
  • Utilisez un système de paiement reconnu comme PayPal ou une carte de crédit.
  • Équipe de service client basée aux États-Unis.
  • Accédez à nos journées de vente en gros mensuelles.
  • Produits 100% éprouvés et équipe de confiance.
  • Retours et échanges faciles envoyés à Atlanta, pas en Chine !
  • Une variété croissante de produits et de services.

Notre équipe prend en compte les commentaires de nos milliers de clients pour toujours trouver des moyens de mieux perfectionner notre système. Chaque 1 % d’amélioration est important pour nous.

Article précédent Avantages de la vente en gros de marques privées
Articles suivant Contrôle des bords en gros et création de votre propre marque


Juquetta - janvier 8, 2024

I would love to get samples as I am looking for a hair vendor for my beauty supply store.

Latisha Bush - janvier 8, 2024

I would like to purchase a sample and have the price list available with the different length. Thank you

Sedina Cobbs - janvier 8, 2024

Send more details via email I’m interested in being a vendor

Kim - janvier 8, 2024

I wish to talk about wholesale purchases and dropshipment, as well.


Mahagony Gadson - janvier 8, 2024

My name is Mahagony Gadson and I am interested in doing business with your company. Please send me pics/videos of your inventory along with pricing. What are your payment options? Do you have a MOQ (minimum order quantity)? Please share your website or Instagram so that I can view your catalog. I’m a very serious buyer referred to by Build the boss and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank You Mahagony Gadson.

Monique Luster - janvier 8, 2024

Hello I’m interested in selling hair but I don’t know how to go about doing it! Do you guys shipped the hair to me and I sell it or do you guys sell the hair for me and shipped it for me! I’m really confused on how to start my business as far as selling hair? Thank you

Keora Hailes - octobre 10, 2022

I want to talk more about make you my wholesale go to

Juju - octobre 10, 2022

I would like samples and know the pricing of wholesale bundles

Tracy George - octobre 10, 2022

I would love a sample please.i am very interested…

Mary - août 4, 2021

Hello, can I please get a sample of your hair that you sale? Please and thank you.

Dawn - août 4, 2021

Wat are prizes for bulk and where to order

Terry S Kim - août 4, 2021


Jay - août 4, 2021

I have an account for your wholesale
I would like to order samples pls

Kierra - avril 16, 2021

Hi, how do I contact or keep in touch with private label wholesale as I might have a few or maybe a lot more questions? I want to start a business and I like this article, it says all the right things & im intrigued to learn and hear more and look forward to conducting business here. Thanks in advance

Marvelous Mutunga - avril 16, 2021

I need a wholesale hair vendor

Jess - septembre 28, 2020

Hi! Do you guys have I tip and tape in extensions as well?

dellahshair - septembre 28, 2020

This hair is amazing

Marie - juillet 23, 2020

Hello I am Marie I am passionate about hair and i Want to develop a luxury brand with raw hair exclusively, could you advise me please ? Best regards

Pandora - juillet 23, 2020

This was an amazing article, I learned so much in one article, it was very informative and so helpful. THANK YOU FOR SHARING AND BEING A BLESSING!! JUST AMAZING

Kyra McElroy - juillet 22, 2020

This is the greatest and best information that can be given to people who want to start their own hair selling businesses. I knew this company was all that and a bag of chips when I first looked at the name of the company I knew that they had premium quality. This company has surpassed my expectations of a great company to do business with because the hair quality is beyond premium it’s luxuriously phenomenal!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉And the other products offered are more than amazing! And the different possible ways that you guys offer people to get them started and selling is absolutely phenomenal! I am just overjoyed at the decision I made to start with dropshipping with you guys almost a year ago! There’s sooooo much that’s available for training on hair, marketing, etc that it’s almost unbelievable!

Christina M - juillet 22, 2020

This article is very informative and helps someone like me (beginner in learning about hair extensions) gain knowledge of the industry. This article takes so much information and condensed it so it’s not so over whelming… I feel very educated and see the PLE has no problem with sharing knowledge that will help others with being just as successful! Thank you!! 💕

Crystal Williams - juillet 22, 2020

I have read this article multiple times including when you first posted it back in the beginning of last month. I have the link saved on my home screen and I use it as a reference when I need to answer questions from my customers. I’m actually working on a “Q & A” page for my website using the info provided in the article. It literally answers every question I’ve been asked in regards to hair extensions. I’m so thankful for this wealth of knowledge and I make sure to utilize it on a daily basis. I appreciate you Mikey!!!

Ebonie Warren - juillet 22, 2020

I love this article! I use to be affiliate for selling hair .. Now that I have my own hair company that I just launch .. This was very helpful .. I cant wait to order my hair samples and bundles

Christian Aze’Nicole - juillet 22, 2020

One thing I love about Private Label is that you don’t mind educating the uneducated. You are always finding ways to help us out, even when you aren’t a persons vendor. You’re always there. This article was very informative. I never knew that was the reason hair smelled like corn chips. I just assumed it was where it was stored. But I have noticed that there isn’t a smell anymore. Thank goodness, because honestly, I was afraid to sell hair if it had a odor. Who wants to smell like corn chips right lol. Also, I had no clue that they would be contacting my followers. I just started my Instagram account for my business and have only posted one picture and they have bombarded it with sale offers. I’m definitely blocking them today. Before finding Private Label, I like many others have used Chinese Wholesale Vendors. The fees are ridiculous! Every time I use to place a order and they send my invoice, I would always say, I could have bought more hair with that money. Also, I have always wondered if Alibaba was a protected way of paying. I’ve had vendors in the past ask can I pay using Alibaba and I would always suggest using PayPal.

Being in this industry, there is so much to know. And right when you think you have learned it all, changes are made. This article informed me of things I didn’t know, and deemed as a stupid question and didn’t want to ask. It also has gave me a better understanding of how the wholesale business works when it comes to vendors.

Drae Harden - juillet 22, 2020

PLE is extremely unique. Not simply because they are us based and offer wholesale at a reasonable price. But simply because they are haters. You cannot find a company that wants you to win whether it’s with them or not. PLE provides ACCURATE and knowledge worthy info for people wanting to start a hair business in general. There is no requirement for this information no gimmick or anything. And it’s great because PLE knows how much this help black women and black entrepreneurs. This is truly a blessing.

Marka'elia Nelson - juillet 22, 2020

Um, okay! So this was absolutely amazing! As somebody who has been wearing Extensions and Wigs since I was 16 years old (I’m 30 now), some of this information is very new to me and obviously SO extremely helpful. Mikey, every time you post a blog, I always make sure I have my “business notebook” and pen ready and my kids are sleep so I can focus and take all the notes! I can’t thank you enough for these and all the help! I have done my 2+ years of research trying to find my forever hair vendor (by testing out hair and being scammed multiple times), I am so glad to have found PLE. So much stress was lifted off my chest the first time I bought and had PLE’s hair installed! Even better, when it was 2 weeks later and the hair was STILL just as soft and beautiful as when I first bought it. But I have a few questions! (I wont post them all, I don’t want this to be the longest comment) So between Human hair, Virigin hair and Remy hair, is there a difference? I wrote down “different terms but usually describing the same thing or variation of a hair product” but I’m still slightly confused. Is the pricing different, is Remy Hair mostly the curl patterns and Human hair is straight and Virgin Hair is Wavy? (I just pulled that out of the sky, but still a legit question) Haha! Question two, Why is having Raw Hair as an option a good idea? I love that PLE has it! (I just bought some, should be here Saturday!!!!) But should it be an option even if you’ve never had one sale on it? Question three, is it recommended to have more than one Vendor? If so, why? and lastly, for now, is there a specific reason, other than price and/or texture, that somebody would only want certain hair from certain/specific places? Like I mentioned, I may have been wearing Extensions and Wigs for quite sometime but no vendor, hairstylist or even google has been as helpful and informative as PLE has been to me. I’m in heaven here and I love y’all! Thank you so so SO much for all you do, done and will do! Take care!

Ashley - juillet 22, 2020

This information is so helpful. The world we live in today, everyone is always looking to get over on you. PLE has been not only affordable, but helpful with resources and available to answer any questions. PLE wants YOU to grow as a business and care about their customers deeply. Thank you Mike and the whole PLE team for all the valuable resources!

Danielle.Y - juillet 22, 2020

Thank you Mikey you have helped me for now 2 1/2 years understanding the hair game and helping me push forward. I appreciate you all at PLE because you are honest and 2020 that is hard to find . I love that you continue to keep all of inform what it is going on in the hair game and know that our success is your success. Thank you truthfully with all my heart because i have done tones of research and then i can easily come to you all with questions and you have never disappoint us. You and the entire PLE crew Rock God Bless you all

Cent Salomon - juillet 22, 2020

Once I decided to be an entrepreneur in the hair industry, I can count on my fingers and toes and some, how many sleepless nights I had staying up doing research. Learning how to test hair, dropshiping options but most importantly finding the best vendor to satisfy my every business need. Once ready to reach out to the vendors on Alibaba, I became absolutely overwhelmed by all the marketing tactics. 8A, 9A, 10A hair, Mink hair, Virgin Remy, Brazilian, Indian ect. Plus my questions were answered indirectly not to mention shipping cost just to order a sample was almost the same price as the sample itself and Dropshiping shipping times were ridiculous. My mind was completely scattered. I came extremely close to giving up on my dream. And then I came across PLE. My Interview with Toni on Feb 21st was A huge breath of fresh air. She answered all of my questions Crystal clear. She Explained the different options available. Also how vendors use the whole 10A hair, Mink hair crap as a way to get you to buy. Most importantly she welcomed me with open arms. The fact that PLE offered drop shipping with an app link directly to my website, wholesale which allows me to have hair on hand and so much. Hair University helps me understand the industry more and more every time. Thanks to everyone at PLE for helping me have a better understanding in the industry and standing by me on my business venture. You guys freaking Rock

Sonya Brown - juillet 22, 2020

This article is very informative. I have been working on my hair business since 2019 and have searched all over for vendors. A lot of the key points made I’ve dealt with from personal experience. It’s very hard to find a trustworthy vendor. At the end of the day TRUST is what you will need to have in your wholesale vendor especially if it’s oversees. I was extremely happy after joining the PLE family fb page. It was great to see that this was a USA based vendor who just doesn’t care only about sales. PLE also takes the time out to provide the resources to educate their clients. This is a very rare find. Thank you Mikey Moran and the rest of the PLE team. Let’s BUY SELL & REPEAT EVERYONE!!!

DaQuana Dudley - juillet 22, 2020

I just want to marry Mikey for writing this article. It’s like you took my inner thoughts and took the time to write them out and share them with the world. I approve of ALL of this snaps finger, sips wine, and flips my RAW natural wave PLE bundles that I currently have installed 😝

Slayyed Hair and Beauty - juillet 22, 2020

Wow, this article was so informative! I had no idea some of the vendors that write me on IG could also be contacting all of my clients! That really can mess up your profit margin. Why would they buy from us when the vendor is contacting them directly?! I personally felt such a sense of relief once I found PLE and PLW. As a business owner with more than one business, you have to find a way to make life easier for yourself. I have searched for years for a reputable, local wholesale company and nothing worked. I tried a company before that sent me hair so damaged and dyed, that when I co-washed it majority of it turned gray! The fact that PLE not only has websites, a Facebook group and customer service emails that people ACTUALLY respond to and quickly sold me immediately. I can relax knowing that I can hop on a quick flight and go to the location if I want to. Not 25 hours, language barriers, and hoping to see a real store. Thanks again guys for what you’ve established, you’re helping tons of us increase our sales by providing a reliable, quality product for our customers every time.

Anna Barnes - juillet 22, 2020

Being new to the game, I appreciate all the knowledge that Mickey Moran has provided. I am PROUD to be part of the PLE team!!! I am excited to get started in this business and be a success. THIS IS AMAZING!!! This article shines so much light and provides direction in a seller’s mindset!!! I cant wait to be a PRO like Mickey!! I love being able to pass this information on to my clients and be a knowledgeable vendor of TRESSES BY ANNANIKEYA!!! Remember…. “Its a BOUTIQUE lifestyle!!”

Michele Murphy - juillet 22, 2020

Thank you for this blog post. It was very informative and well thought out. You broke down all aspects of Virgin hair and the differences of what to buy versus what isn’t worth it.. Showing what’s quality. Bravo Mikey, I am very happy to be on this platform with you giving so much knowledge and making people’s dreams really come true. I am very new here and definitely look forward to working with PLE.

Tyra Moore - juillet 22, 2020

What I summarize from this article is that finding a wholesale hair vendor requires integrity, risk, knowledge of industry terms and practices and patience. Finding a good vendor is like finding a business partner that will rock with you when you have problems. They will help you with things that you don’t know. They want to grow with you. A good hair vendor not only wants you to spend money with them; but, they want your business to succeed.

Keesh King - juillet 22, 2020

Well first I want to jump down to the paragraph about the Chinese vendors and social media.. listen chy they wreck my nerves. I mean really I’m tired of blocking them and you cant get rid of them.They just keep coming and coming.. no respect and will steal your pictures quickly.
Overall I learned a lot I was scared of selling raw hair because it’s high maintenance to me. My customers don’t know how to properly care for it. But reading the article I may need to include it and stop missing out on the bag. I may need to stress care instructions included in the package.
All in all I have wasted money on trying out vendors. Until ple. I have never met a group of people who only want to see you win. You give all the tools to make one successful. All you have to do is show up with ambition and ple will provide the tools to become a successful entrepreneur. Listen I appreciate everything that was provided for me. I’m manifesting success over here. So while I’m manifesting I’ll say thank you for the brand new laptop in advance.

LaNiece Watson - juillet 22, 2020

It was after reading this post a month ago deciding to open my own hair Business, this gave me so information and as far as being a customer myself due to the great prices PLE always have. Since I was in 16 and learned to do my own hair, I always wanted the best grade of hair, the best length for me and the price. I knew in order to have the best quality of hair you have to spend a little more. PLW offered everything at my doorstep when I realized the best thing I can offer to other women in that love good quality of hair. This was a no brainer for me. I was able to get my logo and put my logo on my packaging bags and tags to go on my wigs and bundles to sell. This is the best investment that I should of made a long time ago and I’m glad for my first 3 weeks of getting a good amount of inventory my business is coming up and I just have to thank PLE/PLW for giving me the tools and knowledge that will put me on the road to success.

Takeala Lewis - juillet 22, 2020

This was so information that was well needed. I spent years looking for a vendor I could trust and WORKING OFF MY PHONE then boom here comes PLE to the rescue just when I was about to give up. This is truly my one-stop-shop and my go to for help advise suggestions and new ideas. There is always something here at PLE TO KEEP THE MOTIVATION OF THERE CLIENTS GOING AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT I WILL KEEP REFERRING AND BUY.SELL.REPEAT.

TRish hUdson - juillet 22, 2020

This was very informative! I learned a lot that I didn’t know between the different types of hair. Know I feel like I know what to ask for myself when selecting a great type of hair as well as becoming a distributor of selling hair as part of my beauty business. Awesome information and very knowledgeable thanks for providing this article. Makes me want to learn more

Shawna Orange - juillet 22, 2020

I absolutely love this article. Most vendors would not/ don’t share all of this insider information with its clients but you guys do. That’s why PLE is so amazing. I’ve had vendors in the past, that lacked customer service and retention, but expected thousands to be spent with them. I stumbled upon PLE in 2016 and have used you guys as my sole vendor ever since. Literally every item that is requested is discussed and actually obtained!!!🤯🤯 Yes, it’s mind blowing in the most positive way. They have literally created my new career and website. Between Mikey’s willingness to share insider knowledge and the instant customer service, I am now a successful business owner. #BUY #SELL #REPEAT is the way!! A million thanks to Mikey and his amazing team!

Brittany Harris - juillet 22, 2020

Love is in the hair! The hair industry alone in the United States in 2018 was a 87.9 billion dollar industry. Furthermore, the estimated global market reach is projected to reach 211.1 billion by 2025! This article written by Private Label Extensions is an essential must read article for both the consumer and the merchant. It highlighted many of the FAQs asked by customers and new coming hair entrepreneurs. An intricate part of any business especially the hair industry is having an in depth knowledge of the various types of hair, how it’s created, understanding the behind the scenes of your hair products (i.e bundles, wigs, frontals, & closures), and lastly how to market them. I have been a proud wholesale & personal client of PLE for 2+ years, and they have made my business journey so smooth from providing quality hair, hair care products, business services such as drop ship for my hair company and customers. PLE is my #1 choice and go to wholesale vendor, and I’m elated to have found an US base vendor. I’ve managed to build a business relationship over the years only to better serve my clients/customers. This article is so vital so be sure to read it in its entirety. It answers and addresses the unknowns that many hair business owner & consumers want to know. It’s a must read and will definitely lead you in the proper direction.

DeAqua Morgan - juillet 22, 2020

I just want to say that Private Label Extensions is the best wholesale company I have come across. They make sure they give their clients everything they need to succeed including tons of already researched information that they have done. Mikey Moran is an amazing businessman. If his clients do not succeed then he will not succeed. He provides every platform for this to happen. It’s fail proof.
The Integrity that Private Label Extensions carry is The best in the Industry.
Thank you Mikey and Private Label Extensions for all the amazing blessings you give. I am forever grateful to have found you.

Mareka Johnson - juillet 22, 2020

Excellent article and very informative. I always wanted to start my own line of hair/ hair products since 1997. For years a looked for vendors and requested information/ hair samples. When I first found private Label Extensions your company offered wholesale and wholesale packages at that time I had a investor but the investor dropped out of the deal. But I never gave up my dream but I did have to postpone it because I did not have enough money to purchase wholesale on my own. I remember when your company first started dropship it was a free app on shopify. I signed up on a free trail for a shopify store found your app and downloaded it to my store and started inporting items to my store. But I never got to open my store I was helping to care for my brother that had cancer, raising my two kids, and working a full-time job. But I guess your company stop the shopify app at that time I emailed Zakiyrah in 2016 and she said that your company started a new dropship program called dropship bundles and emailed me the information. Later I joined your facebook group. But I still could not afford to start my business. But I started writing a business and marketing plan, reading lots of your blog post, obtained my domain name, social media handles, and wrote down and named all products including edge control. I also started writing different blog topics that I would write about. Fast forward in 2019 both my brother and grand father past away from cancer she months apart. But I kept saving the little money I could and moved forward. Losing my love ones was the motivation that I used to not give up no matter what. Than covid hit finally drying to use the coupon gor a free website I notice that wordpress websites were on sale. I check my balance in my bank account and purchase a website than on 06/23/20 I my LLC was filed I have been really working on my business to get it together and made my first order on the drop. For years I looked for a professional and trustworthy vendor that I can partner with to provide quality products to my prospective customers. And I finally found your company that has a passion for this industry and give back so much to your customers and the black hair community etc in general. You and your company gives so much opportunity, resources, and education to prospective entrepreneurs and small and large hair businesses. And I just want to say thank you for all that you and your staff do. It is greatly appreciated. Your company makes real dreams come true.

Kelsee’ Purnell - juillet 22, 2020

The wholesale info article is a great read for upcoming hair business owners. The info presented in the article are things to consider when starting. Research is very vital. There are a variety of origins that extensions are sourced from depending on the quality of hair that business owners prefer to offer. India and China are the leading origins. Finding a vendor is not easy but very time consuming because of scammers and wanting to have the best quality of hair. There are more bad vendors than good, so it is vital to do your research. Many wholesale vendors offer a variety of payment methods, but there is not protection which is very risky. It’s a possibility that you could lose funds and not receive product. There are many search tools and websites that can assist with finding the perfect vendor such as alibaba, google, etc. Social media such as Facebook and Instagram can assist as well. It is very significant to build and have a great relationship with your vendor. Virgin and raw extensions are the most popular extensions on the market, with raw hair being more expensive although it is the best quality to offer. The market for virgin hair is undoubtedly hot right now, so it’s a great time to find success of your own in this high-grossing industry. If you are unsure on quality, purchasing samples to test would be a great idea. Due to extensions smelling like corn chips, processing extensions has changed and been better over the years. Once you have all of this lined up, you can sale your business and attract buyers. There are many cons in starting a hair business, but I feel that Private Label would be a great vendor to avoid all hazardous risk and will turn cons into pros. With the company’s knowledge, you will become knowledgeable and be able to run a successful hair business.

Antwynette Williams - juillet 22, 2020

I have sold & bought over 100,000 in hair extensions. I have dealt with good hair & bad hair. Also gained & lost numerous customers due to quality. I have ran into PLE over a year ago but just thought it was another hair company. With my recent bulk purchases annnnd following the Facebook group, I found PLE to be refreshing. A lot the information above is what I wish I knew back starting in 2014 when I started installing and selling hair extensions. All the way up to year ago, I learned I was coming about selling hair extensions all wrong. I have a large clientele base but horrible knowledge about hair extensions which caused a big loss. This information will save a bunch of beginners even seasoned stylist like myself some money and mistakes in the long run.

Yvonne Brown - juillet 22, 2020

This article is very informative for anyone thinking about starting an extension business, and it also serves as a refresher for the businesses that are already started. Thank you for answering the question I had on Raw Hair Extensions. You also went into great detail explaining the different types of hair and sources from different vendors. I really appreciate that. After a person fully reads this article it is guaranteed that a decision will be made on choosing Private Label Wholesale as their source for their hair supply. When I searched for a hair company I wanted a company that would be concerned about me as a person not about the money that would be received from me. Private Label Extensions has been a company of integrity and excellent customer service. Thank you for informing everyone in this article about how our followers are being harassed from hair vendors in China. I am going to start blocking them all.

Andrea Thompson - juillet 21, 2020

After being a stylist for 25+years the frustration of buying hair and receiving questionable quality hair lead me to PLE. I’ve been very happy with the hair. The PLE staff is wonderful and work with you! Now I can send my clients to a website that fills all the boxes and I get so much information about the hair business. Much thanks🙂
No one I know gets more from their vendor.

Gwendolyn Smith - juillet 21, 2020

Mikey thank you for everything you have done. I have read this article multiple times and it’s helps every time I have to prove a point to somebody about the difference between textures. Specially somebody who has this attitude of they know everything and you can’t tell them nothing. This article shut them down every time. I have learn the best hair to dye to get a vibrant color is 613 and premium hair is my go to because of the fullness,the shine and thickness of the hair. My on hand business have took off making a whooping 3500 in the first month since I launch. However, I am an a essential worker so my online business has not been great due to me doing everything on my phone. I was not gone even comment due to me feeling like I never win but I’m fine with losing sometimes because I am gone keep trying because I will be a billionaire in this life time. “Trust the Process “ Buy.Sell.Repeat. Thank you & your team for everything you have done. #Team PLE

Courtney Mitchell - juillet 21, 2020

😮😮 this was EXTREMELY informative. I can’t believe all the information this article contains. I mean it LITERALLY gives you play by play how and what wholesale is. It contains a TREMENDOUS amount of information that not only will help start the process of beginning a business but it gives you the tools to be SUCCESSFUL in your business. There are so many essential key points that I personally took away from this article that will DEFINITELY help me on my journey to starting my business. We need more articles like this that break down information for you and really give you the necessary tools. Knowing what I have learned now from reading this article, I feel like I can hit the ground running with my business! Thank you for this informative and inspirational article. Trust me, I am prepared all this juicy knowledge to work in my business!! Go PLE!!!

Toni Jones - juillet 21, 2020

The Best hair vendor is one who can provide you with the best products at a reasonable price that you can resell to your customers knowing that they are getting top quality products.

Private label extensions has provided that for me being a new owner within the hair industry trying to locate the best vendors and not knowing where to turn is not an easy task but private label made it possible.

They also educated me on the wholesale process and what to look for.
How the wholesale market works and how they are bringing overseas vendors to us here within the USA!

Thanks for helping other businesses like mine become successful!

Germaine Josp - juillet 21, 2020

Hi PLE wholesale,
Hey thanks for sharing this info l learned some things l never knew about before like the. Differences between Indian, Chinese, and Vietnamese hair.
l want to thank you guys for finding an Indian Hair vendor for us its been an answer to my prayers l love this hair its very beautiful and it last two or more years if properly cared for. Second,
Learned some new things about the hair industry manufacturering process. The first one is the fact that manufacturers are listening to it customers and came up better why process human hair without smelly chemicals a big plus in my book. Alinging the curticles of the hair is great idea. This is a shocker to me l often get DM’s from Chinese vendors but had no idea they were also contacting my customers gonna have use that block button more. l have been a PLE & PLW since 2019 and l can truly say it been a huge burden lifted off me because they have literally done the hard work for me. You guys can look elsewhere for a vendor if you want to but trust me l have tried to do that in pass most of the time l got ripped off. Hey, l am staying put because once again they’re not just selling hair but are educators as well.
Thanks PLE

BeEy - juillet 21, 2020

Thank you again🤝
There is mounds of information out help with starting a successful Hair Business BUT this article just excellently summarized it all. No information overload✅. For anyone wanting to start a hair business, this is it!

Above all, I too learnt something new 😂. Block them vendors wanting to sell hair to you and stalking your potential clients. For me, contacting my potential/existing clients with lower prices for poor quality hair is a deal breaker!

Thank you Mickey🤝🤝

KAyy - juillet 21, 2020

It’s the feeling of “I’ve made the best choice with choosing PLE as my vendor ” for me ! A whole article of confirmation that I’m headed in the right direction in my beauty business. Good read !

LAtisia Coco MCDONALD - juillet 21, 2020

This was a great article and I totally agree with you about those Chinese Vendors. I like using PLE as my vendor.

Yasmin Harvin - juillet 21, 2020

This article is what every person needs to read before starting in this business. With all of the scams and people wanting you to pay $100-1000 for vendors. This lets you do it on your own and still be successful. I am a lifetime member and have been working with PLE for 3 years! And I love it. I graduated from college in one year and can’t wait to see how much more my business was will grow with the more free time I will have.

AIisha - juillet 21, 2020

Mikey and team super awesome. Very knowledgeable and provide tons of information and details to getting great quality hair and products to help expand everyone’s business. The best vendor on the market providing excellent products.

Delorian Giles - juillet 21, 2020

Mikey I appreciate you taking the time to write this out. This helped me soooo much! I want to go as far as you with my hair business. So this helped.

It helped me understand the process you had to go through to hand pick your products and how each business owner is going to have to do that if they want to be a successful and knowledgeable of the products. I appreciate your attention to detail because it gives new business owners like myself something to capitalize on and it gives me peace of mind knowing my products were picked based off of quality. Many clients are noticing quality hair is a better investment than other hair. I did not know how bundles were made so that was a cool insight you gave us. I haven’t played much with color but I know Raw hair for a nice platinum color is the way to go. It’s worth the money!
I’d love to do what you do in Denver. This article helped me see a little bit of what you had to do to be a vendor in the US and it’s a lot of work but very inspiring.

Brittney Joyner - juillet 21, 2020

I’ve have been struggling on where and how to start my hair business but the article just gave me hope.It’s very informative about vendors and i will say that most people aren’t like you,wanting to help others and give information helpful information that inspires them to start a business.A good hair vendor is cheaper than a good therapist,God bless!

Lucy Felder - juillet 21, 2020

When I started this hair journey two years ago, I noticed that the most significant issue with hair was finding hair that colors and a vendor in the U.S. Once I started doing my research and found ple, I used their hair sample kit and I used my income tax money to invest in myself. I also read their returns and guidelines in the event that things went wrong, which is something that you cannot do with a hair vendor in China due to their language barriers and turn around time. Ple has kept me in business for the last two years and has grown my business. When looking for a vendor I recommend the following: a U. S vendor, facts about the hair (which is found on the website ex. how far the hair can lift), and the quality of the hair (make sure that you take advantage of the sample kits to gain an idea of how the hair is and use hair color on it to see how the hair responds to it (especially for the young adults they love color).

Tafara kelly Matenga - juillet 21, 2020

@Privatelabel wholesale Good job. And thank you very much for this information it will help with so many of us on this platform.I pray your business grows. As you have taken the time to provide solution to alot of ladies problem,may God solve all your problem. many more years to your business and divine help on it. This information will definitely help us maintain our Haír business and be able to provide good services to our customers.

Ondrena - juillet 21, 2020

So happy I made the choice to pick Private Label for my 1st hair extension business, they have been there every step of the way and the quality of the products are amazing. I’m happy to say I’m here to stay!!!

Antoinette O'Bee - juillet 21, 2020

Wow! OK, where do I start, super informative article, answered tons of questions that I had about differences in hair and vendors. Im always amazed that Private label can provide this type of information for the free lol Also it really thoroughly explained so many important points when it comes to choosing a vendor, choosing what hair to add to your business, and the reason why Private label is still in my eyes the best choice for someone starting a hair business in the U.S. Bravo!!

Cynthia Adams - juillet 21, 2020

This is an excellent article. I wish I had come across it during my first search for a vendor before I found PLE as a vendor. There is a lot of great information for someone who is trying to research the hair extension business or wanting to know more about hair extensions. You have broken down all of the confusing terms used by different vendors so that the reader can have a good understanding of what they are potentially buying. I would definitely recommend this article to anyone looking for a wholesale vendor.

Nadia Frazier - juillet 21, 2020

I just would like to say I love PLE and what they stand for. I love how they give out so much free info, that people would change 1000’s for. You guys are very upfront with what really goes on in the hair industry, and you guys are always giving to help the next person start a business. I love to read, so I do my research. You guys are the best and I’v been trying to find good hair for 3 years. Thank you for the great prices, and helping people like me aka new hair Entrepreneurs. I would also love to Say thank you for mentioning why hear back in the day used to smell like corn chips say thank you for mentioning why hear back in the day used to smell like corn chips lol, I always used to wonder about that and now I know why!

Jamie - juillet 21, 2020

This article was very informative, actually taught me more information about the hair industry. I’ve been in the industry myself for 4 years on and off and I’m still learning more daily with the help of Private Label. I’ve been so discouraged time after time and with being in the group with the inspirational post from other business owners and Mikey has pushed me to continue in the industry. I look forward to more informative article like such. Thank you Private Label!

Queenie Love - juillet 21, 2020

Great, informative article! I think it’s amazing you guys charge no additional fees for credit cards or PayPal payments! Thank you for being an amazing company and having our best interest! :)

Candy Mayo - juillet 21, 2020

Hi I really love this article. It is very informative and detailed with things a new or seasoned hairprenuer would be able to reference to to ensure they are knowledgeable and educated to start and grow their hair business! Thanks for being transparent!

KIARA Brooks - juillet 21, 2020


Melinda Rhule - juillet 21, 2020

Very informational read. Thank you for all you do with assisting us entrepreneurs succeed in this business!

Tierney - juillet 21, 2020

I’m considering selling Virgin Hair & Raw/Cambodian Hair along with lashes and bonnets. Is Raw hair all pure? Does all Raw hair contain lice? I see alot of people who deal with Raw hair complain about it having Lice. If it does contain Lice/Lice eggs, how do you get rid of them? Is Vietnamese Indians , & Indonesians the only individuals that sell pure unprocessed hair? I was only interested in Virgin Hair at first but now I’m interested in Both Virgin and Raw Hair. Thanks by the way.

Ana Augustine - juillet 21, 2020

This was so informative. I have been following everyday. I guess I was just nervous, scared & anxious about starting my e-commerce hair & lash business. It’s so much to learn & so many avenues to take. Everyone can eat out here & share. I just needed a jump start on ideas. The market, the brand, the types or hair & lashes…this helped me a lot. I still have so much to learn but I am no longer afraid. I will no longer procrastinate & get started on my dream. Thank you Mikey, private label wholesale & private label extensions. You all rock! ❤️

Chelsea Gaskin - juillet 21, 2020

With anything that you want to achieve in life even with starting your own hair business anything is possible with Great Expectations… Take the time to do research and use resources to your full advantage and manifest your greatest potential…

Sanya Lawrence - juillet 21, 2020

I have been apart of the Private Label team for 2+ years now and I have to be honest. They have been my go too since the first time I tried it. Because going back and forth with different vendors was very discouraging for me, thank goodness I found them. Their hair is EVERYTHING AND SO MUCH MORE. I AM A PRIVATE LABELER AND I AINT NEVER LEAVING. PRIVATE LABEL A DI BEST ALL THE JAMAICANS SEH SUH

CArmen wIlliams - juillet 21, 2020

Awesome article and definitely a conversation needed for new people in the industry and it helps so less mistakes can be made! Thanks for sharing

Datalya Davis - juillet 21, 2020

First and foremost, I wanna say thanks for being the best YOU. I have been on and off discouraged with my business because of lack of knowledge & running between vendors but every since I chose Private Label, you have been nothing less than amazing. This article is full of nothing but useful information that every entrepreneur in this field would need. Most vendors only care about the money they recieve from their clients but you go above and beyond everytime. Thanks for helping me and others be successful in this growing industry. We wouldn’t be who we are without you.I will be sure to pass this article and PLE period around to everyone I know… Big Ups To you guys for being the greatest !!!

Samantha - juillet 21, 2020

Helpful information I love it. This is so detail. It helped understand the wholesale hair business. How to choose the hair I may need and what steps I can take. I’m glad I found Private Label Wholesale. It’s a great and reliable source for hair. I will definitely enjoy my hair business journey as my source for wholesale hair is Private Label Wholesale. Thank you.

QUierra - juillet 21, 2020

Absolutely love the article, just from reading this I learned much about the Chinese vendors contacting me on Instagram. I feel a lot more relieved as I always felt pressured with the continuous messages.

Brittany Harris - juillet 21, 2020

Very informative article, help me pin point different aspects of business I didn’t think about

Shakira - juillet 21, 2020

For those of you who are interested in starting your own hair company this article is really beneficial to helping you get started. The problem most people have is that they do not want to do the research when it comes to different hair textures and products that will truly bring out the beauty in your hair textures for your clients. Nothing is handed to you freely. But I promise if you ask yourself the questions Mikey has listed in this article it will most definitely get you on the right track ahead of time, instead of wasting time trying out different hair vendors and feeling like you got “scammed”. Also from personal experience if you’re thinking about joining the hair industry and need a vendor PLE has you covered. Mikey and his whole team really takes their time to break down the process. Whether it’s helping you choose whether to buy wholesale or dropship, creating a website for you (sometimes he offers them heavily discounted and sometimes free, yes FREE) offering different products from hair glue, lashes, lash boxes different colors, and my favorite being the lash paste. He also is opening up shop in different states to cater to everyone. This is the perfect vendor. He goes live daily and actually answers or questions, create courses to help you get started and more. If you join our community I promise you won’t be disappointed 💕

Aneka Gillyard - juillet 21, 2020

Thank you for sharing this information. I just started in the hair business & have been trying to learn all the ropes. Everything your share or write I definitely read and trying to add to my hair business to be successful.

Deanna Mendes - juillet 21, 2020

Thanks so much for all the great information. I am here trying to get my business moving forward and this information has helped so much.

Lawrence Matthews - juillet 20, 2020

what grade of hair bundles do you sell ?

Niecey - juillet 20, 2020

I enjoyed this helpful article I’m ready to start my hair business.

Kendra Hinron - juin 10, 2020

This is a good article. It’s very helpful. Especially with me just getting into the business. I didn’t know half of this. Thank you!

dee32cat - juin 10, 2020

Great article!

dee32cat - juin 10, 2020

Thanks for sharing this great information. Very educational. I think this is a beautiful view of PL giving back to the community and helping to teach other African American entrepreneurs. Kudos. I love the article and I feel informed and empowered because of it. THANKS!

Earker - juin 10, 2020

Are the Clip & Tape In extensions available in the wholesale program? If yes please send price sheet. Thank You

Sascha Boujetto - juin 10, 2020

Hhmph!!! And we thought we knew hair! Mikey you are bringin it!! Re-educate Re-wind and RE-BOOT! Not so good at virtual class learning due to special requirements to access information due to learning challengesbut not giving up! I will continue to work my business.

crystal - juin 10, 2020

Great info but it was way before 2015 hair was smelling like corn chips and there is still some factories that still have corn chip smell to their hair.

Kiera H - juin 10, 2020

Thanks Mikey for this informative article!! Having a USA vendor has so many pros. Being able to contact them during normal business hours as well as being able to go to a physical location to ask in person questions/see the products. In terms of PLE. They have been a one stop shop for me. I’ve been able to get my website done, order labels, get quality products as well as utilize the free resources available like the podcast, the blogs, the FB, and Hair University.

I’ve personally tested every texture/hair type from PLE & they are the best vendor that I’ve come across. I’m so grateful to have found PLE/Dropship bundles! Quality products at great prices.

I may struggle in certain areas of my business, but one thing is for sure that I’ll always have quality hair that I can stand behind. Hair is something that will NEVER go out of style. I’m happy to be apart of the PLE family. Excited to learn daily about the industry and continue to grow my brand. Thanks for all that you all do! 😊

I wasn’t privy to the Chinese Vendors reaching out to our customers. I will be more aware when these pages that follow me and be sure to block them. Hear that raw hair makes up 5% of your sales is encouraging and let’s me know that it’s a specific market out their for Raw Hair.

Gwendolyn Smith - juin 7, 2020

Thank you Mikey for this article. I started my hair business in 2017 and unfortunately my vendor passed away and I happen to stumble upon you. This article reassured me that I know what I’m selling is top quality of hair & it speaks for itself. You mention India hair vendors,do you all purchase from them as well? I love PLE they have been on time with every question ask,shipping and creating my website in a timely manor. Also helping me keep my customer happy and coming back. Great customer services,knowledgeable of the hair, great tips and advice and the best hair vendor . Thank you 😊

KEnda cAldwell - juin 6, 2020

Thanks!! I’m
Just starting in the hair business and it’s good to see people willing to give a helping hand

Michelle - juin 6, 2020

As usual Mikey as stated on the podcast with Kendall EDUCATION is your WHY. I have been doing this for 5 years and I learn something everyday that will either correct a mistake or keep me from making one!! Headed over to my IG and block these random vendors! I’m excited to see all the great outcomes in my business with my new site and new tools for continued success. I wanna thank you again, I truly appreciate the knowledge you continue to share with us daily!

TIffany PAtton - juin 6, 2020

Great information regarding raw and mink hair.

Alisha B - juin 6, 2020

This was a very informative information.

RICHON ANNIE CLAUDE - juin 6, 2020

I want to start my hair business

you deliver pen French Guiana


Shashawna Orange - juin 6, 2020

As a licensed stylist and the owner of my own beauty brand (The Glamazon Lifestyle) I have had plenty of experience with overseas vendors. Mostly negative. I’ve had issues from last minute price changes to extremely long ship times. This article is very informative and absolutely accurate. Through many trials and errors, I stumbled upon PLE. After ordering my first hair sample I was hooked and been a faithful customer ever since. They have streamlined my business and make my wholesale purchases worry free. And let’s not start on the quick shipping times ( even wholesale) and the great prices.

I’m a die hard PLE fan!!

Crystal Williams - juin 6, 2020

I’ve always wondered how hair extensions were able to hold their “natural state” for so long…. This article answered my question. It was never natural. It was steamed to appear that way. I’ve read a lot of articles and watched alot of videos about hair extensions and this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone speak on that. Wow… Thanks for the wealth of knowledge!

Mercedes Howie - juin 6, 2020

I just wanted to say how appreciative I am of you for sharing your knowledge. People in this industry do not like sharing information to help one another ( I know from experience) you have been so helpful since I joined the PLE family and I have learned tons of things. This article was super informative, and thank you for making this process easier when buying bundles in bulk because those vendors do blow my WhatsApp up and it’s hard to tell who is legit and who is not.

D. Morgan - juin 5, 2020

Thank you PLE 👏🏿👏🏿
I think the biggest struggles that I’ve had with launching my hair brand are all addressed in this article. If you are even considering selling hair, this information is invaluable. I’ve spent the last few months having to figure all of this out on my own and I wish this article was around when I first started, because it would have saved me so much time😩. I’ve been stressing out about finding a raw hair vendors and the fact that that only makes up 5% of your sales let’s me know that I can be successful without it. 😊 I’m also glad that you talked about those other hair vendors on Instagram, because I have received a lot of DM’s and I just thought it was harmless. The thought never crossed my mind that they would steal my clientele.

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